AALA Conference Student Awards
The AALA Best Student Paper Award and AALA Best Student Poster Award are officially established in 2016. Both are merit-based awards that support the attendance of the winners at the AALA annual conference.
All single-authored/ individual student submissions will be automatically considered for the awards. To qualify for the student awards, contributors must be graduate students currently enrolled in a university Master’s or doctoral program in applied linguistics or a related field. A letter of matriculation/active student status must be shown upon request.
Winners MUST present their works at the AALA annual conference to receive the awards. Winners for the Best Student Paper Award and Best Student Poster Award will each receive a certificate. Besides having their conference and workshop registration fees waived, they will also enjoy a free banquet at the award presentation ceremony. The above terms will take effect from 2017.
Proposals for individual papers and posters will be evaluated by a team of reviewers. The reviewers’ decision is final. The evaluation criteria are:
• Significance of the research topic/Contribution to the field
• Relevance to conference theme
• Rigor of study (e.g., rationale for the research, contextualization within the literature, design of research question(s), choice and use of methodology, interpretation and conclusion etc.)